Hello! For some time now I have played with the idea of starting a blog. I am full of passion and I would love to share with the world what I have learned (that is if anyone is interested in listening)
I run a small design company that focuses on interiors and custom furniture design. We have been looking at getting into event planning and paper goods as well. This company is something I have been working on for some time and in the past six month have started taking the next steps forward.
I am also a recreation leader for the Santa Cruz Count Parks and Recreation department. I was involved with the program as a child and loved it so much I began volunteering for them when I entered Junior High. After graduating from high school I pursue a degree in Interior Design at San Jose State University. The summer after my freshman year I returned home to find they were eager to higher me as a full time staff. It is a job I have loved (most days) ever since.
This blog will not just be about my jobs and what they bring me but also about what my passions bring to my life as well. I can not wait to begin this journey!