Monday, June 30, 2014

Farmers Market Success...

I strolled the Farmers Market on Saturday. The weather was perfect and I woke up in the mood to go out and explore. I was successful beyond my expectations. The vegetables were spectacular and priced just right. I was able to purchase most of the ingredients for one of the most spectacular meals that I have make in quite a while. It was a rather healthy meal that tasted anything but.

Monday, June 23, 2014

After the Wedding Bells...

So my healthy eating fizzled a bit after Easter but the wedding was amazing even if I had bat-wing arms! I am so happy for my friends and it was spectacular to see them so happy. I was able to maintain the weight that I lost but it is about time to get back onto the track to a healthier life. I am just going to have to set more realistic goals for myself and take it one step at a time...I know I can do it I just have to set my mind to it and realize that I need to be healthier overall.

Saturday, June 21, 2014